Elusives ESRs' plenary talks at the Invisibles18 Workshop
The Elusives ESRs gave plenary talks on their research at the Invisibles18 Workshop in Karlsruhe.
Videos of their talks are available here:
Andrea Caputo, "Low scale leptogenesis and Dark Matter": https://youtu.be/dXgCZ1d5iYs
Arsenii Titov, "Neutrino portal to Dark Matter": https://youtu.be/P9cQ6Fl84tA
Elena Perdomo, "SO(10)xS4 Grand Unified Theory of flavour and leptogenesis": https://youtu.be/6wC68Ys_8S8
Fiona Kirk, "Baryogenesis from R-parity breaking: the role of flavour": https://youtu.be/IYJx0SFH95U
Josu Hernández, "Sterile Neutrino searches at DUNE and IceCube": https://youtu.be/riwNwezRL44
Julia Gehrlein, "IceCube bounds on sterile neutrinos above 10eV": https://youtu.be/BxCoeagD3DA
Nuno Rosa Agostinho, "Gauge Legacy LHC Run 1": https://youtu.be/uLGVp-ZDSRI
Rupert Coy, "An EFT approach to possible lepton anomalies": https://youtu.be/2LyYNU-VSnQ
Simon King, "SO(10) at the LHC": https://youtu.be/IfC_a9QRWzI
Chloe Ransom, "The search for neutrinoless double beta decay at GERDA": https://youtu.be/DLsFf8gdJbw
Edoardo Vitagliano, "Cosmic infrared background excess from axion-like particles and implications for multi-messenger observations of blazars": https://youtu.be/8r2JsbzIFzY
Sergio González, "Gravitational contributions to the Beta Function": https://youtu.be/AbirGTyJzNY
Xabier Marcano, "Sterile neutrinos in β and 0νββ": https://youtu.be/jxZChSIqkPs
Rachel Houtz, "Strong CP problem: models with exotic color groups": https://youtu.be/qn-MwCyVp1M
Álvaro Hernández-Cabezudo, "Status of the eV sterile neutrino oscillations": https://youtu.be/C6B_wSg6IGw
Gonzalo Alonso Álvarez, "Lightish but clumpy: scalar dark matter from inflationary fluctuations": https://youtu.be/MkWnRq9kyjQ
Julia Stadler, "Cosmological effects of DM-γ scattering": https://youtu.be/WK5lnA-jK44
Samuel Witte, “Searching for the decay of axion dark matter”: https://youtu.be/dcCwm-GacdY
Olcyr Sumensari, “B-physics and lepton flavor (universality) violation”: https://youtu.be/vsZHl0-swC0
ESR Bruno Martin gave a talk on science journalism at the Invisibles18 School during the preceding week.
Pictured: Elusives ESRs during the Invisibles18 Workshop in Karlsruhe