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El Universo Invisible y los neutrinos, by Belen Gavela

‘El Universo Invisible y los neutrinos’

April 29, 2014 by Anónimo

‘El Universo Invisible y los neutrinos’ is the public talk that Prof. Ben Gavela gave to the general public on Thursday 27 February 2014. It was scheduled as one of the presentations preceeding a round table organised by the University of Costa Rica. Four presentations by scientists provided the background to the debatethat followed and was moderated by Dr. José Gracia Bondía, Catedrático Humboldt 2014 The event attracted over 60 people.

For further details: Foro Humboldt, Universidad y Sociedad - Retos del siglo XXI: ¿Quo vadis física de partículas?